Affiliate Option

Dear fellow CDTs,

I’d like to draw your attention to some evolving trends in dentistry and present a straightforward opportunity for you to adapt and thrive.

My name is Scott, and I’ve owned a dental laboratory for 47 years. As a CDT for 25 of those years, I gained the knowledge to create an online dental appliance option for the public and built a website that offered teeth whitening trays directly to consumers over 15 years ago. The process involved customers placing orders online, receiving a home teeth impression kit, and emailing photos of their impressions for approval. Upon approval, we provided a return shipping label, created the teeth whitening trays, and shipped the final product back to them.

This process has now evolved, with CDT-owned laboratories offering multiple dental appliances using my online model. The key to this process is the home teeth impression kit. For those wondering why Smile Direct Club didn’t succeed, it was due to their focus on opening physical offices instead of capitalizing on the potential of home impression kits. However, they paved the way for CDT-owned dental labs to start selling their products directly to the public.

Currently, if you search Google for any of these search phrases, you will see many of the CDT owned dental labs that offer their dental appliances online:
* Teeth Retainers Online
* Partial Dentures Online
* Flippers Online
* Night Guards Online
* Whitening Trays Online
* Teeth Aligners Online
* Dentures Online

I have created a simple way for CDT owned dental labs to receive a commission on all of the dental appliances we offer in their State so that they can see how the process works without spending tens of thousands to set up your own e-commerce business.
You simply become our Affiliate for your State and you will receive a 10% commission on any order that is placed by anyone that lives in your State.
We will process the entire order and provide you with a login to our Customer Relation Management (CRM) software where you can view all of the processes that the consumer goes through during order fulfillment.
Later, if you wish to become one of our Partners, we will provide you with your own website page where you set your own prices and handle the customer service using our same CRM. We would still manufacture the dental appliances.

The only cost that you will incur from us is a one year subscription to the CRM software for $1,890 that would renew at the end of the subscription.
This way, you will be able to view all of the orders that you will receive a commission on 30 days after the dental appliance was delivered, as we offer a 30 day satisfaction guarantee for refunding.
We will also provide you with methods of inexpensive advertising for your State so that you can increase the order volume and therefore your commissions.

If you are a CDT lab owner and would like to discuss this further, please email us at and we will send you our Calendly time slots to schedule a phone call that works best for you.

Thank you,