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Must Currently Have at Least 10 Existing Teeth on Both Upper and Lower Arches- Please scroll down to read Product Description below.

In many cases, the lab is still able to make the Partial for those with at least 8 or 9 existing teeth on the upper and 8 or 9 existing teeth on the lower. If you select the ‘I have at least 8 teeth…’ option below, and the lab is not able to make the Partial, you will receive a refund minus the non-refundable teeth impression kits that were used.

A teeth impression kit is included in the price when you choose “I need to take impressions of my teeth” from the Impressions Drop-Down Menu below.

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Buy Dental Flipper

You must have at least 10 existing teeth on both your upper arch and your lower arch to order this product and cannot be missing all your back teeth (molars) on your upper and/or lower arch(s).

The reason that we require that our customers have at least 10 existing teeth on their upper arch and 10 existing teeth on their lower arch is in order to make a Partial Denture or a Dental Flipper, the lab must know how your teeth match up when you bite all the way down. They must know how your upper and lower teeth match up when you bite all the way down because this is how they determine where to place the replacement teeth so that when you bite all the way down the replacement teeth are placed in the exact position to be functional but not in the way. When you have less than 10 teeth on your upper and 10 teeth on your lower it becomes too difficult for the lab to know how your upper and lower teeth match up when you do bite all the way down.

A Dental Flipper is a hard acrylic plate with fake teeth attached to it for filling spaces where you have missing teeth. It will last up to 3 years, but just like the Temporary Bridge you must take it out to eat because the acrylic is breakable under pressure. If you are wanting a teeth device that you can eat in, then you need to order our Flexible Partial Denture. When you order our Dental Flipper, you will receive our teeth impression kit(s) within 2-3 days. After you create your impression(s) and send them back to us in our prepaid mailer, it takes 10-12 days to manufacture your product (the same time as if you had gone to a dentist). These are the same high-quality products that are made by laboratories that dentists use, for close to half the cost.


A Dental Flipper can be worn 24 hours a day, but you must take it out while you are eating. To insert or remove this teeth device, use both hands, and push on or pull off evenly with your thumb and index finger. It may take several days for your tongue to get used to the device and then your speech will return to normal.


To clean the Dental Flipper simply brush it with toothpaste and water after each use. You can use effervescent tablets as needed for deep cleaning.

Additional information


Lower, Set, Upper


I need to take impressions of my teeth, Last order was after 7/2021- scan(s) on file

Required Number of Teeth

I have at least 8 on the upper and at least 8 on the lower, I do not have at least 8 on both and do not qualify

Teeth Added to Upper

I need 0 teeth added and only want a Lower, I need 1 tooth added, I need 2 teeth added, I need 3 teeth added, I need 4 teeth added, I need 5 teeth added, I need 6 teeth added

Teeth Added to Lower

I need 0 teeth added and only want an Upper, I need 1 tooth added, I need 2 teeth added, I need 3 teeth added, I need 4 teeth added, I need 5 teeth added, I need 6 teeth added

Days at Lab

5-7 days, 10-12 days


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